
2024-05-19 00:24

1. 求求各位高手啦!!!!!!!!!!!



2. 求求你们!!!!!帮帮我吧!!!!!!

The Earth, which is our base from which we look into space, is constantly moving. Understanding this movement is one of the most useful and important things in astronomy.

The earth orbits the sun in an elliptical orbit and the moon orbits the earth with the same kind of orbit. Looking down from the north pole, the earth spins in a counterclockwise direction on an imaginary line called its axis once every day. This accounts for the fact that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The earth’s axis is tilted with respect to the plane of its orbit at an angle of about 23.4 degrees. If we position ourselves high above the north pole, we would see that the earth orbits the sun in a counterclockwise motion, coming to the same position among the stars every 365.26 earth days. We would also see that the moon also orbits the earth in a counterclockwise motion

The moon is the earth’s only natural satellite. Its average distance from the earth is 384,403 km. Its revolution period around the earth is the same length and direction as its rotation period, which results in the moon always keeping one side turned toward the earth and the other side turned away from the earth. This type of motion is called synchronous rotation. The side turned away from the earth is called the moon’s dark side, even though it is lit half of the time. The moon’s sidereal period of revolution is about 27.32 days long. This means that a line drawn through the center of the earth and the moon would point to the same star every 27.32 days. Due to slight variations in the orbital velocity of the moon, over a 30 year period, 59% of the moon’s surface is made visible. This is known as libration.

The Sun

Because of the elliptical nature of the earth’s orbit and constant changes in the earth’s rate of spin because of the previously mentioned phenomena, the sun, as seen from earth, is moving at a non-uniform rate. This makes it difficult to use the real position of the sun as a reference for time keeping. For these purposes, a point which moves at a constant rate around the earth is used instead of the real position of the sun. This point is called the mean sun and is the basis for mean solar time.

3. 希望大家帮帮忙,急!!!!!!!!!!!

这是一道很具有想象力的题!你不必要了解男女都有多少人,就假设一下。男就是2个人,女就是1个人,男这俩人身高都是1.65,女这一个人就是1.5   好了 ,(1.65X2+1.5)/3=1.6


4. 希望大家帮帮忙,急!!!!!!!!!!!

设1车间X  2车间Y

解得X=  30 Y=40

5. 各位大哥大姐帮帮忙!!!!!!

《元日》  此诗描写春节除旧迎新的景象。一片爆竹声送走了旧的一年,饮着醇美的屠苏酒感受到了春天的气息。初升的太阳照耀着千家万户,家家门上的桃符都换成了新的。除此外还有它的比喻象征意义,它是以除旧迎新来比喻和歌颂新法的胜利推行。这首诗正是赞美新事物的诞生如同“春风送暖”那样充满生机。其中含也有深刻哲理,指出新生事物总是要取代没落事物的这一规律。
《上元夜》  “玉漏银壶且莫催,铁关金锁彻明开。”滴漏箭壶,你不要这样一声比一声紧地催促呀,也不要过得那么快,今夜的城门要一直开到天亮呢!上句写出了人们“欢娱苦日短”的感慨,下句是说在此太平盛世,应该通宵尽兴。


6. 请各位大帮帮小弟!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



7. 达人请帮忙!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



8. 各位大神请求解!!!!!!!!!!!!